Our History
The Community Baptist Church first met in a home in early June of 1994. The next meeting place was the Green Valley Association building. There was no place for the children in Sunday School, so they had to be outside. Strange, but it must have been the Providence of God, because it did not rain during that entire summer on Sunday.
The third meeting place was in a store building in downtown Henderson at 115 North Main Street. It took a lot of work to make it into an educational and worship area. The next phase of the church’s life was to build a multi-purpose building to provide worship, office space, kitchen, education and recreational facilities as our ministry to the area continued to grow.
Not long after the church began to meet in the Main Street building, we called Dr. David Nelson to be the Interim Pastor. Dr. Nelson had retired from the First Baptist Church of Owensboro, Kentucky. Dr. Nelson was able to provide mature leadership and helped the church to prepare for the future.
The church was constituted as the Community Baptist Church on December 11, 1994, with 68 members. During the period from March to August of 1995, the membership had grown to 117, making it the fastest-growing church in Henderson.
In March of 1995, Dr. John Dunaway came from the First Baptist Church of Corbin, Kentucky, to be the first pastor of the church.
The church has been involved in several mission programs, such as Habitat For Humanity, Thanksgiving baskets, Christmas gifts for needy children, Angel Tree, as well as many other projects.
In December of 1996, Community Baptist Church moved into its new building at 1026 Pebble Creek Drive. We have a very active senior group and youth group, with planned activities each month. Our recreational programs are growing – basketball, aerobics, indoor walking track and others are in the plans.
The history of yesterday is exciting, but the future is even more exciting and challenging for Christ’s cause.