
Have you ever been in a public place and found yourself eavesdropping on someone else’s conversation? Perhaps it was in the mall, or in a restaurant, or standing in the hallway at school.

Maybe you didn’t mean to be nosy, it’s just that you were the proper distance away, and you could hear every word that someone was saying. We don’t do it deliberately, of course…..or maybe some do? But sometimes it can be interesting just to tune in on the conversations that are going on around us.

Peter, James and John had the most wonderful opportunity imaginable to eavesdrop on a conversation between three of the greatest religious figures who ever lived—Jesus, Moses and Elijah. Can you image the things those three great figures had to talk about? What a great loss that not one word of their conversation was recorded for future generations. The Bible simply tells us that they discussed Jesus’ departure.

Jesus had gone up the mountain to pray and took Peter, James and John along with him. Luke tells us that as he was praying his face changed, his clothes became as bright as a flash of lightning, and Moses and Elijah appeared in glorious splendor talking with Jesus.

Wouldn’t you have loved to be a fly on the wall for that conversation? It must have been one of the most interesting conversations in history. So riveting, in fact, that Peter wanted to build shelters for everyone and stay on the mountaintop taking it all in.

But Jesus, and apparently Moses, Elijah and God had something else in mind. A cloud overshadowed them and God’s voice said, “This is my son, my chosen one, listen to him.”

Did you hear that? “Listen to him.” As riveting as the conversation between Jesus, Elijah and Moses must have been, it is no more impressive than the words that Jesus has for all of us. Our problem is that we are often more prone to take in the world’s opinions and follow the actions of society than we are to really, really listen to Jesus.

If we listen, we will discover that Jesus asks us to do some difficult things. Things like, “Love your enemy. Give to those who ask. It is more blessed to give than to receive. Turn the other cheek. Take up your cross and follow me.”

You have the opportunity to truly listen to the words of Jesus, and Paul, and the other writers of the New Testament during the season of Lent. You can come by Community Baptist each weekday at 7 a.m., 12 noon, or 4 p.m, and listen as an audio version of the New Testament will be read in 28 minute segments.

Some will want to combine this with an exercise regimen and walk our track while others may want to simply sit and listen. The important thing is to “Listen and Obey.” God’s word is sure to challenge and stretch and mold us into true followers of Jesus.

Tim Hobbs, Pastor

Question:  What has God been saying to you lately?

2 Replies to “Listen!”

  1. Snot Head

    I think God has probably been saying many, many things to me lately that I have tried to ignore. ha! Anyway, I just stopped by your blog because my friend Beth Stone told me about it. I was trying to decide what to give up for Lent, and after some reading, I decided that instead of giving something up, I would take something on, and I decided to take on reading my Bible at least 15 minutes a day. I think this will be a humbling experience for me because I am not already in the habit of reading daily, and there are many days I avoid my Bible and God altogether because I know I have done something that day that God would not be so proud of and I'm trying to avoid talking to Him about it. ;o) As if He really doesn't know already. I'm thinking I may sort of follow along with you guys in reading the New Testament. Do you have any other suggestions?

  2. Anonymous

    Thanks for your comment. It seems that God is always trying to get our attention….but sometimes, speaking from experience, it takes a 2 X 4 across our head before God gets our attention. I applaud your commitment to read your Bible everyday during Lent. Great idea! My only suggestion is that you begin in the New Testament…probably Matthew and read through. A lot of people have made a commitment to read their Bible all the way through and gotten bogged down in all the “Begats” and “rules” of Deuteronomy and Leviticus. I find myself nodding through that section myself. Anyway…good luck in your effort to read the Bible and have fun listening to God speak.


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