What color is God’s Skin?
Note: The writer of this blog article is Adell Martin a mother, grandmother, member-deacon of Community Baptist Church, a retired Army Chaplains wife and retired administrative assistant. This article is […]
Community Baptist Church Henderson KY
Being the presence of Christ, serving a world in need
Note: The writer of this blog article is Adell Martin a mother, grandmother, member-deacon of Community Baptist Church, a retired Army Chaplains wife and retired administrative assistant. This article is […]
Have you ever prayed for a miracle? I’m not necessarily talking about a big miracle like the healing of a family member on the brink of death. I’m talking about […]
Note: The writer of this blog article is Rev. Mary Wrye. She the Chaplain at Methodist Hospital a 200+ bed hospital facility in Henderson KY. She also is a member, […]
Did you enjoy the funny video in Church today? Share it with your friends! [tentblogger-youtube l81eXKW1bQI] Listen to this Sunday’s Worship online. Pastor Tim’s Blog “Washing Away the Junk” about […]
It is cold outside this morning….but the fellowship is certain to be warm inside Community Baptist Church. Come celebrate with us the Baptism of Christ and witness the Baptism of […]
I heard a story about a man tucking his six-year-old son, Chris into bed one night. The father tapped his son’s chest and asked, “Do you know what you have […]
This coming Sunday: Baptism Sunday! Pastor Tim’s Message: “Baptism means we are God’s Child” Baptism is our entrance into Christ’s family Baptism offers us the opportunity for a new life […]
Does the book of Revelation leave you scratching your head? Have you ever read from Revelation and had no idea what you were reading? Well, if you find this to […]
As I write this, 2009 is quickly coming to a close. Like most of life, 2009 has been a mixture of ups and downs. Many of us have had opportunity […]
Happy New Year Make Community Baptist a part of your 2010 resolutions! Thank you Phyllis McElwain for telling us during Children’s Moment that the best resolution we can have is […]